Many parents worry about what type of mental health or substance abuse program is best for their child. Since every child is different, many facilities require a comprehensive intake psychiatric assessment to accurately assess your child’s needs. Our teen mental health admissions process utilizes phone calls with parents, information from outside providers, and a thorough clinical assessment for a determination that will help everyone decide if Ascend is the right fit for your child.
Explore all the details of our individualized evaluations and more here.
Our Admissions Process: Individualized Evaluations
The mental health admissions process at Ascend begins with a phone call to our team at the teen treatment center at 310.388.3713. The admissions department then gathers all necessary and important information about your child — including your insurance information. If our team feels your child and family are an appropriate fit for our program, we guide you through a more intensive personalized evaluation and admissions process.
Because each client is dealing with a unique set of circumstances, we may request different types of information from each family. You should be ready to share past diagnosis information, medical history files, and social history data. We want to know as much as possible about your teen to prepare for our first meeting.
Additional Admissions Requirements
Physical Assessment
After admission into the program, your child will be seen by our board-certified medical doctor. A complete physical is required to rule out any illnesses that might affect or delay residential mental health treatment. Understanding their physical needs also enables us to put together a fitness protocol that works for your child.
Psychiatric Assessment
Dealing with multiple mental health conditions or underlying concerns is very common for teens who come to us, so a visit with our board-certified psychiatrist will also occur upon admission. Few adolescents who seek admission to Ascend have ever actually been diagnosed and need a clinical analysis as soon as possible. With a physical and mental health profile in hand, we can provide you a lot of detailed information about our proposed mental health treatment plan for your child.
Academic Assessment
Another part of our teen mental health admissions process is an academic evaluation. This type of assessment helps us gauge your child’s educational development. Our educational specialists work with your adolescent, so they can keep up with their academic progress.
After the Admissions Process
If our team and the family decide that admission to Ascend is the best course of action for your child, we do everything in our power to make their time in treatment as productive as possible. Depending on your child’s specific needs, we create a plan that may include evidence-based therapies, experiential therapies, and family therapy to educate and empower everyone involved in the process.
Why Do We Have Such a Detailed Admissions Process?
Our therapists believe in the creation of a tailored therapy plan for every single client. Offering a more personalized evaluation during the mental health admissions process ensures that we develop a targeted plan that is efficient and effective. Our customized psychiatric intake assessment also allows our staff to better understand and support your child’s return to physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We strongly encourage you to bring your entire family in for an in-person visit to get a better feel for who we are and what we do. Our opinion isn’t the only one that matters, and it’s important that your family and your teen can find comfort and support at Ascend.
Insurance Options for Residential Treatment
Part of the teen mental health admissions process is an insurance verification. It’s quick and tells you which of our treatment plans your individual policy covers. Because we accept in-state and out-of-state adolescents, we work with more insurance plans than many other facilities. Verify your insurance today using our online insurance verification form.
Get Help for Your Teen Today — Contact Ascend Healthcare
The experts at Ascend have designed our mental health and substance abuse treatment admissions process to ensure that your teen gets exactly what they need to overcome mental health issues, substance abuse, and addiction disorders. To begin the mental health admissions process, contact Ascend Healthcare’s admissions team at 310.388.3713 or fill out our secure online form.